Saviem's fan club (Part 1)

gingerfold I feel for you, ours is a really hard industry, and strangely that applies whatever country you look at. Why, oh why, this constant drive towards the bottom, cheaper, cheaper. The “marketing men” talk of added value…there is none, just a suicidal dive to the bottom…and those that leave are replaced by the “hopefuls” pouring in from the top! A constant cycle of despair! Perhaps advising your clients to peruse the “published” accounts from your ■■■■■■■■ adversary may help, and in particular a quick analysis of the equity to debt ratio, or the return on capital employed…forensic accounting is a great marketing tool…just as good as an Atom Bomb!!!

Good night my friends…tommorows diary is full, and judging by the smell in the yard, Id best get the vacumn tank on as a priority!!!

Cheerio for now,

Thank you for your show of solidarity and sympathy Saviem. I feel that our situation with our (former) main customer is irretrievable. Severfield’s is the largest structural steel fabricator in the UK and a public company just as Stobart is. Big wants to deal with big these days, all the senior corporate people talk to one another in a load of meaningless b******s which sound impressive but is utter rubbish. You only need to read some websites these days to wonder what planet they come from and if they have ever done a proper day’s work in their lives.

I had been worried for some time that at over 40% of our turnover our exposure with Severfield’s subsidiary, Watsons Steel Structures, was too much and since the new year we have done just two jobs for them. Stobart is “investing” in 65 new extender trailers (I use the term “investing” loosely; - they don’t own the wind in the tyres of their vehicles, let alone the vehicles and trailers themselves) and they have already hired in a substantial number of flat trailers to do the work. Two of my drivers have already decided that the Stobart uniform has a certain kudos and have jumped ship. I expect others to follow. Other much bigger steel hauliers than us are in Stobart’s sights. Interesting days are ahead. :confused: :confused: :confused: