
Never deliver to a farm in the dark.Access in and out will be tight with limited turning circles filled with hidden obstacles that will pop the tyres or other damage.
Sleeping dogs to be wary of too.A deaf dog will not hear you reversing over it.It could be blind too.
Be warned of the “poverty speach”.Not made a penny this year drive.Been a bad year.
Then you drove past his and hers Range Rovers .
If you see a laden trailer and tractor coming towards you only one rule applies;I am coming through get out of the way.
If the lorry load is hanball the farmer will have a bad back and leave a note in the barn that will say put ten tons over the wall then behind the fence.
Gone to market is another one.
They never lock up anything.Tractors with keys left in them.Doors not locked in the farm house and out buildings.And the deaf and blind dog to guard it all and see off intruders.