Funding for hgv/lgv Unemployed

I think it’s generally well known that DWP does fund driver training but it’s good to have the criteria publicised. We train on a continual basis for DWP so there’s probably a lot more of this going on than is realised.

In our case, DWP are funding medical, cpc and also a practical drive retest if required.

If used properly, I have no problem with anyone following this route (I speak as a tax-payer). But I get extremely irritated by the few who use the system to pacify their advisor and have no intention of ever working - let alone drive. It’s also an unfortunate fact that our fails tend to come from DWP candidates.

I once had someone come in with DWP funding to arrange their medical. He made it clear that he wasn’t going to use the licence even if he passed. I called his advisor and the job stopped there. Thankfully we’re busy enough that we dont have to take all comers. Remember, I am a tax payer and I dont want to subsidise wasters. Ethically I cant just take the money and look the other way.

But to anyone seeking DWP funding who are genuine and fully intend making a career out of it, I’m behind you all the way and wish you well.

Pete :laughing: :laughing: