Just had my licence revoked

Hi Wizzy,
My experiences:
Do not have an LGV licence but car plus C1.
30 years ago I had a seizure.
Lost licence for a year and got it back.
Every 3 years I had to reapply for a new licence, completing a medical questionaire.
After about 6 reapplications, I was told I could have my licence back without reapplication, as long as I rescinded my entitlement to C1 (which I did).
My seizure was a full one, yours does not seem to have been treated as such because of the 6 month suspension.
3 years ago I had another 2 seizures informed DVLA, had licence revoked.
The difference on surrender and revocation, (I think) is you have to reapply after revocation, where as if you surrender DVLA send you a reminder upon the anniversary.
If you are declared an epileptic - epilepsy is declared as a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act, meaning your employer must accomodate your condition.
BTW Action for Epilepsy are a good organisation for advice, and you may be eligible for a Disabled Railcard, and/or free bus travel in your area.
Its never good news, but it is surprising the number of people who can be affected.