Other work records

When you look at the new Article 6(5) there does not seem any other option to record “out of scope” activity on anything other than tachograph chart or digicard.

If that’s correct it has massive implications for workers who do a mix of in scope driving and office / warehouse type work.

We had a chat about Article 6(5) in another topic here:

I don’t know the answer to this, but unless “record sheet” has a specific legal definition somewhere, then we might consider…

A blank sheet of paper, or a page in a pocket diary on which we write “record sheet” at the top, then fill in the required records just below.

The way I read the last sentence of the new 6(5) is that the word “or” appears twice, so I landed on the first of the three options.

So… when is a record sheet not a record sheet?