Manual Entry after holiday

I wonder if someone could help me, I am on holiday for 5 days while returning to work how will I do my manual entry, example Monday morning I finish 5:25 am I did 5 minutes other work handed my time sheet and paper work in and from 5:30 onwards I was off on holiday till next Sunday night, now returning to work which will be 19:00 pm for the time I am off while on holiday, do I just put on bed? For example 5:25 x hammer 5 minute other work and end shift and from that time up till Sunday 19:00 will I put Bed symbol or ? This Mark thanks.

Yep,exactly that…bed symbol for all your holiday period.

As you’ve said, do a manual entry for the end of the last shift, then assuming that you won’t be working during any part of your holiday use the bed symbol for the time from the end of the last shift to the start of the next shift.

Sent from my mobile.

Nice one Thanks alot appreciate that.