Infringement on 11hour 15 min daily rest

Ahhh i see, i’m single manned tramping, DGG is the company my agency have me working for, i would be better just doing straight 13 hour working shifts rather than the three 15 hour shifts we are allowed to do, i take it with me doing just the 13 hours each day, that will obviously cancel out the reduced rests

There are 2 ways to have a reduced daily rest period:

  1. Do a shift of more than 13 hours from beginning to end of the shift (this means you cannot have an 11 hour rest period within the 24 hour period: 13+11=24).
  2. Have less than 11 hours rest between shifts.

If your shift is no more than 13 hours from beginning to end and you have at-least 11 hours rest before starting the next shift it will be a regular daily rest period.