Advice on loading


bald bloke:

hotel magnum:
also remember that if the box vehicle loads do not touch both sides, shoring bars are not adequate on there own, as they only restrict forward and rearward movement, I know of two drivers fined in Germany for not strapping the goods to eliminate sideways movement, 600 euro fines,
as an aside on my laptop the euro money sign is on the right of the number 4 key at the same level, with the $ sign on the top of the key and accessed by the up arrow key how do I get to use the euro sign?

Well how much of a gap are you allowed then ? Generally speaking there’s always going to be a gap of some kind.

My thought too. As there has to be a gap to get 1 pallet past the other :wink:

For XL rated curtain siders they say no more than 80mm either side so I’d use that as the guide.

Also, a pallet is 1m x 1.2m isn’t it? So two side by side would be 2.4 max (if packed properly) A standard truck is 2.55 so that’d leave 150mm total so it all kinda makes sense.