Advise please

You cannot “accumulate” more than six hour work without a 30min rest. If you get to 6hrs then you must have 30mins. If you “interrupt” the 6hr with a break of 15mins at, say three hours, you can “accumulate” work up to 9hrs before the second 15min break would be required. If you were then going to exceed 9hrs then the second break would need to be 30mins.
The legislation is quite simple but confusing if not read correctly. Drivers are under the misapprehension that they cannot attend for more than 6hs before a break of 30mins is required. This is not the case.
Legislation states: If accumulated working time is between 6-9 hours then a 30min brk is required. If working time exceeds 9hrs then the break must be 45mins. The breaks can be take in on two or three parts and each must be 15min duration. Obvioulsy the RTD comes in to play but breaks must be taken for whichever comes first. I regularly attend for a 15hr shift with only one 45min break. Pefectly legal and never had any infringements.
0-5:59 minutes no break required.
6:00-9:00hrs 30 minutes before the accumulation of 6hrs working time.
9:00+ Break must be extended to 45mins before the accumulation on 9hrs.

You’re contradicting yourself all over the place, you start off by saying that when you get to 6 hours you must have a 30 minute break then later say you don’t.

I don’t have time to go through all of this but you certainly don’t need a 30 minute break before exceeding 6 hours working time as you seem to be suggesting.