Disciplinary - "anonymous " complaint- using mobile &driving

If you are certain that this is a fabricated and malicious allegation, then that would provide evidence that there is a question mark over the conduct of the company in its decision to suspend you. This in turn would provide the basis of a bullying in the workplace claim. Personally if what you are suggesting is that the writing is on the wall, then I would imagine you are highly stressed and suffering from depression and anxiety having become a target for the company for whatever reason. If you can evidence no call or other function of the phone was active at the time of the allegation and that you dont have a second phone/device with you and available in the cab then the motives of the company become more suspicious. In short, you should now be starting to build your wrongful dismissal case, beginning with a visit to your gp where your condition will be recorded. This could well go in your favour but keep your cards close to your chest and discuss relevant matters with a local solicitor only and nobody else. The time may very well arrive at an employment tribunal where the company will have to provide evidence of the allegation, including its origin because it is this that has caused your current medical/health problems. If they fail to provide such information, then their disgusting set up may very well be lit up, but be smart and always fight fire with fire. That said, you might be an absolute arse hole moaning all the time and may well deserve to be kicked down the road, who knows.