US car drivers?

For those of you have driven extensively in the USA, how do US car drivers rate in comparison to UK car drivers, in terms of skills, courtesy and common sense?

Personally, instead of going into great detail and recounting different ‘experiences’ I will say that the average American driver seems to dispaly the driving skills of a four year old in a pedal car for the first time!, following are words that I think aptly describes the average American driver in my experience for the past 13 or so years.


I have never witnessed so many drivers exhibit a total lack of commonsense and general stupidity, that it defies belief, why are the vast majority of drivers over here seemingly incapable of displaying even the most basic of driving skills?
I used to think we had some bad drivers back in the UK, but they are by far in the minority when compared to the majority over here.

I agree entirely. I have never seen such stupid and ignorant drivers anywhere else in the world.

Vermont drivers sit at well below the limit blocking the road (usually as you are aproaching a six mile mountain climb with 44,000lb on the trailer.
Massachusetts, New hampshire, Maine, Conecticut and rhode island drivers just sit in the middle lane when you want to move out although the left lane is empty.
All of them seem to just ignore stop lines at intersections and pull across past the line at red lights to get in your way when you want to turn.
Blue hairs (old people) are twice as bad.
China men and women seem totally blind and are terrible drivers

The worst drivers must be Blue hairs from China who live in Vermont but driving through New Jersey.

One question … when driving along an interstate at 5 or 10 mph over the limit … or even on the limit. Why do they suddenly slow by 10 mph when they see a cop who has caught someone else ■■?
Do they think the cop is going to suddenly let that guy off to go after them?