Nothing hit me ! .... Phew

Today I was almost involved in disaster. You guys down there are lucky.
I was returning from Boston MA and was heading for Scotia NY. Although since sunday we have had snow, ice storme and freezing rain today turned out very sunny. So there I was ripping along the Mass Pike at a steady 70mph, over the state line, across the hudson and west on I 90 from Albany, the suns rays were realy hot on my face, then at the intersection with I 787 I hit a total white out, snow so bad that I couldn’t see the car 25 ft in front of me, I slowed and noticed brake lights and other shapes moving, I heard a lot of smashing and crashingand the vehicles infront going everywhere. Hazard lights on and stopped as safely as possible, by now there was an inch at least of snow on the ground, there was a major pile up right infront of me, then the truck behind which couldn’t stop swerved to the shoulder hitting another and having one hit his rear, a car and a van went on the median (central reservation for those back home) hit by yet another truck, then more vehicles ran into trucks behind, this all happened in seconds. I got out and walked around, my truck had not been touched. Within 10 minutes cops appeared and made the lane in front of me open, telling me to get away asap. “do you need a witness?” I asked,
“did you actualy see anything ?” asked the cop,
“Well, no”
“Then you can’t realy help exept to clear the lane”
Was my long depareted Mum watching over me ?

Something, or someone must have been watching over ya Pat… thast one hell of an escape story… you were very very lucky by the sounds of it mate… Glad your okay… :unamused:

blimey sounds like an average day in the m25 :exclamation: :exclamation:
glad to hear that you are ok and the motor too

More happened after my departure. I heard on the news today that eventualy over 30 vehicles were involved, I was at the front end.