Passed Class 1

Hi everyone !

Well I’ve managed to do it this time

I passed my class 1 test last Friday third time round with 6 minors
3 * steering, 1 * gears 1*indicating and a shunt.

The steering was down to getting to close but not hitting the kirb ?

Many thanks to mick at Atlas lgv training for putting up with me for the last few months I would recommend atlas to anyone especially mick who looks after the class 1 side of things.

Apart from trying to make life difficult when out driving by finding the most difficult routes with the worst corners he can find AND letting me spend about an hour in pitch darkness trying to practise the reverse excersise
the night before my test, ( which really makes you focus ) he does have a wicked sense of humour which can leave you in stiches at times but at the same time he is still a great instructor.

So here comes another new driver and I can’t wait to get my license back
and find someone willing to take me on.

If anyone can provide any help and advise on getting started I will very much appreciate it, many thanks to everyone who has past on help & advise over the last few months through this great forum.



Well done on your pass Stuart!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Thats great news, Good Luck in your future Career mate :laughing:

Congratulations mate… :laughing: :laughing:


congratulations stuart :smiley: :smiley:

there flying through at the moment so much for a drivers shortage :wink:


Well done Stuart. Now the real learning starts! I’ve been a class 1 driver for over 10 years and I’m still learning stuff every time I go out.Enjoy yourself mate because I still do. :smiley:

Well done. :smiley:

Well done mate. You may find contacting the PDA may be of use, and attend a training day, and learn about what life is like OTR. Talk to other drivers, and get hints and tips, well worth it.

Nice one, congratulations.

Well done, congrat’s. :sunglasses:

Let us know when n where you’ll be going, when you get out on your own, that’ll give us a chance to stay clear. :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

Well done mate.

As for getting a job, here`s how you do it.

Get your licence, your sleeping bag and your night-out kit into the boot of your car.

Drive around on a monday mid-morning, and stop at every transport company you come across. Stress that you can start IMMEDIATELY.

You may get a knock-back or two, but sooner or later you will find that you are the answer to some Transport Managers prayers.

And off you go.

Some excellent advice I was given when I started- find a gear that it will move in, and don`t try changing gear until you get out of the yard! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
