Money isn't everything....or is it?

It is a very good question, and I don’t think anybody can say if it is or isn’t since its a 100% “it depends” situation, of course making more for your role is always going to be better than making less, there isn’t going to be anybody that could make a proper argument for that but at what price do those extra £ per hour come at?

Working for a company that takes actual pride in what they do, look after the kit well, make sure that you are given the equipment and training you need, problems are actually sorted, and so on is going to be a lot less stressful, all you need to worry about is what you do then to me that sounds like heaven!

Money makes the world go around, and having more off it makes many things easier, but if you are stressed, run down, don’t sleep properly it gets to a point where you have to stop before you really start making yourself ill

my 2p’s worth anyway