
Peter Smythe:
Research the company online, history and current position in the industry. Show interest and enthusiasm. Make sure you’re up to speed with drivers’ hours/tachos/wtd. Many companies have some sort of a test on these. Some extend it to Highway Code.

Take everything with you eg licence/tach card/cpc card. Turn up a few minutes early and make sure you’re car is clean.

Dress in a clean but workmanlike manner. Make sure you’ve had a shave (I’m presuming you’re male, otherwise I’m in so much trouble now!) and hair tidy. You’ll be dealing with foodstuffs so personal presentation will come into it.

If there is a road drive, make sure you check the vehicle before use. Remember you’re driving a lorry full of cream cakes so no throwing it about. But get on with it when it’s safe otherwise they’ll think you cant get the job done.

All the best with it, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

ps Just a thought. Maybe no road drive as impossible to keep social distancing.

thanks for that much appreciated