Unspent conviction and documentation for Class 2 licence


They would of had to clearly state, do you have any spent or unspent convictions on an application, i would suggest they did not pose that question so it is all good.

Not that it counts for OP (as his conviction is never spent) but if anyone has a spent conviction and an employer asks, they only have to disclose unspent. The spent part of the question can be ignored ie you don’t have to declare spent convictions as this is in breach of Rehab Act to be asked

It’s legal to answer no if they ask if you have spent convictions.

Caveat is though you MUST disclose certain offences spent or unspent depending on job your going for. Rule of thumb if a DBS is required then you have to declare as it would show up anyway.

That’s not to say having an unspent stops you getting work as it’s entirely dependent on what type of driving it is

For example Road Recovery has a DBS check and you wouldn’t get the role with an unspent

Plenty other opportunities out there, only OP knows what his conviction was for so only they can decide if it would be a problem

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