Changing from driving a desk to a lorry

Not a bad price that, a tip from experience, questions below to ask prior to plunging for a Training provider.

  1. Is the training individual or are you sharing training with another student?? (Mines was shared and I enjoyed the break watching the other student’s drive picking up tips as he went along).
  2. How long would you need to wait for training?
  3. If you fail your test, approximately, how long would it be for a resit?
  4. How much is the resit fee’s and what does it consist off?

I was with a very good training provider but had to wait 12 weeks for training and a further 12 weeks for a resit and if I knew I had to wait the length of time for the resit, I’m not sure whether I would have plumped for them.

So I just found the retest fee is £180+VAT + £115 test fee and resits normally within 2 weeks. That sound about right?
I have my medical later so am going to send off D4 and D2 tomorrow to get my provisional back.