How do you study for CPC Case Study module 2

I completed my Case Studies last week 41/50. I didn’t actually prepare and it was about 5 months since I did my theory and hazard perception test.

Some of the questions were quite obvious and the multi-choice logical, BUT there were some very strange questions that I didn’t even know!
One was if you transport frozen meat to the EU what is that called…? one answer was groupage which I think I ticked!?!
One was what documents do you need and the obvious one for mine was registration certificate.
I showed a picture of a Class C vehicle and asked why type it was in my case it was a tipper.
One was a lady driver went on a drinking session the night before, how long should you leave alcohol to leave your system - I selected 12hrs, although haven’t looked to see it was right lol.
One was if someone takes your tacho, who should sign it.
If your vehicle load has moved during shunting and you find it on your daily, who is responsible if you take the load out as is. You and the company.

It is supposed to testing ‘if this was me, what would I be EXPECTED to do’ scenarios based on the theory of the books, but some very obscure Q’s in that - if you think logically you should pass.