Tipper Advice?

Hiyah guys,

I’m a newbie on a tipper. Any advice highly appreciate!
I have came across picking up my first tarmac load today. My god trying to tip on site what a B#@%H… Any suggestions on what to throw down on the body to grease before tipping on site lol??



Never turn one over while tipping on uneven ground, if you do say goodbye to your spleen and kidneys. Doesn’t look too bad from a distance but imagine being a pea in a kids rattle. Look out for over head powerlines. Some good banksmen out there and plenty of idiots trying to kill you. Check for bricks between your dual wheels as you leave site. I thought tarmac bodies were insulated ? Wear plenty of high viz. Read how to use your diff locks. Alternatively drive it like you stole it and force oncoming HGVs onto the verges, create dust clouds and wheel spin whenever possible.

Hiyah guys,

I’m a newbie on a tipper. Any advice highly appreciate!
I have came across picking up my first tarmac load today. My god trying to tip on site what a B#@%H… Any suggestions on what to throw down on the body to grease before tipping on site lol??



The plant where you loaded would be best to ask, as you don’t want to contaminate their product, most likely water.
But it could be, diesel, cooking oil, sealing grit.

Ideally T99, I found it helps if you’ve got a fine layer of sand together with it. Most people would use diesel, but go tipping for roadworks and you may get the full load rejected by the laying gang if they find out and dont like your face.

Most quarrys have a sand bay. Throw a good spread of sand over the body before you get loaded.

I used to carry a gerry of diesel in case i was using the chutes for a handball/wheelbarrow load but if it straight into the machine no need. Sand is suffice to get the tar sliding nicely.

The first thing you should do …when arriving on site is to tell the crew you are new and not unloaded tarmac before !.(swallow your pride and ask).as a 15ton heap in front of the spreader will lead to a very unpleasant conversation with some very angry men.