Passed C+E today

As the title says, passed my C+E today with LGS Training in Frome, Somerset.

Top training company, would highly recommend them. Had both Leo and Giles, very good instructors and when I wasn’t sure about something, they would explain it thoroughly to the point that I would understand it. Also helped with them both being ex-drivers. They also explained about things that I might encounter in real day to day life driving and tips for little things.

Good bit of kit to learn on, decent Volvo FH globetrotter.

Over the moon, onwards and upwards!
:laughing: :laughing:

Well done! :smiley: :grimacing:

ROG. It’s about time we had some of your fireworks on this thread!

LGS Training in Frome, Somerset.

Top training company, would highly recommend them

Added to members recommended training school list

ROG. It’s about time we had some of your fireworks on this thread!

Done :smiley:

Congratulations on the pass and all the best for the future, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Congratulations. Huge achievement. I’m just about to start my Class 2 training next week. My aim is my C + E in time. Well done.

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