Agency work

Sure I have made mistakes and will continue to do so I am sure. I have been overloaded, not used ratchet straps correctly, wrecked some poor woman’s hanging flowers with my mirror, and even lots some bricks off the back of my lorry. But I am not as naive as I was 5 days ago, I’m not saying I have mastered it by any means as I’m not stupid. We all need to start somewhere. And I have.

Btw I had issues with indeed and my CV not showing correctly also. But I used a few different agency websites. And other agencies found me on other websites too

You learn from mistakes, never gonna perfect something straight away. Doubt anyone’s that good.
I think I’d be quite cautious an just double check things to make sure. I know how lazy warehouse staff and loaders can be, so I’d definitely double check things to avoid any mistakes.

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