Mixer drivers are the best of the best. Proof:D

Just gonna throw out a few of the phrases used in the vid…
Top Tier
Highly Trained
Ambassadors for the industry
start at 0:44
I am prepared to vigorously and vociferously defend any allegations to the contrary. So start alligating, all you alligators.

Check list:
beer. vodka. check.
popcorn. crisps. pot noodle. trail mix. check.
deckchair. check.

Ok, I´m ready .

Gonna watch that vid again, it´s like ■■■■ to me :smiley:

Ok, I´m ready .

I drive the recovery trucks.

Why do sooo many of you fall over when going round left hand bends?

Dork Lard:

Ok, I´m ready .

I drive the recovery trucks.

Why do sooo many of you fall over when going round left hand bends?

It´s to do with the rotation of the drum when you are carrying sticky stuff. 2 inch slump or less.
Knocks the centre of gravity over to the right as the stuff sticks to the drum as it rotates.

Never happened to me, of course.

Well, once. :open_mouth:

Ahhh. I see.

So this falling over on left hand bends can happen to anyone then, even the ‘top tier elite’?

Only the top tier elite are entrusted with constantly moving loads weighing up to 18 tonnes.