I'm sound going forward!


Wouldnt worry, reversing is its own artform and you’ll get good and bad days even years later.

What you have to remember is the back of the trailer is a long way from you, so it takes a while for your requests to translate into actions…bit like turning a large ship. Then of course it takes ages to stop those actions.

Little and often is a good stratergy and take it slow too. The reverse on the test is nothing like the real world and it would help if we were taught why we wrre turning this and that way rather than memorising a series of moves.

I remember my first real world supposed 90 degree reverse - think dog chasing its tail backwards and you get the picture of what actually happened. :smiley:

Have fun with it!

Absolutely spot on… I passed in June first assessment today with culina and the reverse was utterly embarrassing, made a complete mess of it, even being told drivers with 20+ years experience struggle on this yard does not help one bit, feel like I messed up the interview and a real confidence knock, test reverse does not prepare you at all

avfcnat82 I feel for you, it probably didnt go as bad as you think in your own head but if it did try and think about the positives. You have learnt something from assessment even if you don’t know it yet and nxt time you have one things will be a little more familiar so hopefully you will be a bit more relaxed abt it. Good luck and just keep going