AA recovery driver

Have they stopped the bonus altogether or just reduced it? If there’re no targets, what did they base the bonus on? By having no targets, it definitely reduces the need to rush around and allows you to take care whilst out on the road. I would do so regardless but you do see those maniacs on the road and don’t give a [zb] about others!

Do they still do that incentive if you work overtime called rapid response?

I also hear that they keep patrols on roads and contract out motorway jobs?

I can’t think of any other questions ATM but just want to get a feel for what the job involves and if the package that they give is good. Thanks

Bonuses used to be paid on ‘one shot’ jobs ie taking the member all the way if long distance. Also on ‘two car’ ie one on the back and one in the spec lift. Then there was towing mileage for trailers and caravans (my favourite), all of that has gone. We use garaging (outsourced) because we have more jobs than trucks, trucks aren’t kept off the motorway in the way you suggest. Garaging is based on other factors like the need for equipment we don’t carry.

No rapid response (PPJ), though I will ask drivers to come in earlier if there is a job waiting and a truck free. No driver is asked to rush, ever, they aren’t even asked to run at top on the motorways because member security and safety comes first.

As I’ve said elsewhere, the job itself is great and I miss being on the road. Changes in the last year or so have put unnecessary pressure on drivers but it may all settle down once the new managers sort themselves out. Who knows?

If I was coming into the job new I’d probably stick to trunking.