How to find my first job as a class 1 fuel tanker driver?




Was this all part of a resettlement course? While you were in you got all the quals?

Because I bought meself out they said “See ya” and just hoofed me out of the back door :smiley:

I gained all my quals whilst I was still in ADR etc, then trained to drive fuel tankers in case of a strike.
I loved the job and whilst I was training with the civi company I just dug out to get a phone number for when I left.
Then during summer leave I rang the terminal near me and ask said company if I could train more with them for free, then dug out to impress them to which they then offered to put me through my PDP.
Fast forward to me leaving and they asked me back to start working.
I’ve not touched my resettlement grants yet.

Congratulations mate.

Someone who has the self belief to say what he wants, the balls to put himself out there to get it. And enough about him to actually get what he wanted. Top stuff.

Any idea how you are going to spend the resettlement? I’d go for some plant tickets as an alternative if you get tired of tankers or they are offering decent money. But that’s just me.

Appreciate that mate.
I’ve jumped straight into it with them and from what I can tell, I’ll be very busy.

I could use resettlement to get on a transport manger course or something later down the line.
My take on it is that I should learn and experience the job before trying to be the person managing it.
Would be nothing worse than having Someone above you that hasn’t got a clue.

Health and safety courses etc…
I just want to drive for now.