Instant dismissal



You can only be instantly dismissed for gross misconduct, and even then there are only very limited reasons that permit this without some sort of review or tribunal (flagrant disregard for others or your own safety, violence or threatening behaviour and drug or alcohol misuse for some examples), what you’ve described is not even close to mild misconduct, in fact all of what you’ve described are reasonable requests, concerns and refusals.

Either you’re not telling the whole story or your former employee is looking at a concrete unfair dismissal case in which case I suggest you seek legal advice from the C.A.B. asap!

I assure you that I am telling the whole story, I appreciate you wondering whether I am though because you literally couldn’t make it up.
I think my face didn’t fit with some of the other staff due to my previous career as some of them have dodgy pasts but I tried my hardest to never mention it.
It was only when the HR director mentioned it at the Xmas party that anyone else found out.
The staff turnover at this place is unbelievable - 5 have left since new year out of a staff of 12.
As I’ve not been there 2 years I haven’t a leg to stand on legally speaking.
I guess in the police I was insulated from some of the appalling treatment of employees that seems prevalent in large parts of the private sector.

I’m no legal beagle but I’m pretty sure you can’t be instantly dismissed even if you haven’t been there two years, worth looking into though nonetheless

Its not about why you’re being dismissed for the first 2 years, but that in most cases you can’t take it to a tribunal for that time.

I think you should be covered despite not being there 2 years if you say that you were sacked for whistle blowing breaches of health and safety. The hours and seatbelt would be enough for that. Was a defect ever put in for the seatbelt?

Don’t bother with the cab, call acas. They are impartial and will advise what to do. You will need to talk to them before going to a tribunal anyway so may as well go directly