Training Booked advice welcome

Any course correctly structured to suit the needs of the candidate/s should not be exceedingly exhausting or boring. But, as I’ve said almost to the point of destruction, many “instructors” are truck drivers sitting in the passenger seat. Most are untrained and unqualified and simply blag it. And I’ll admit that some, after a few years, can make a decent job of it provided they’re not faced with too many challenges. Pity if you’re a candidate during the instructors’ learning curve though.

But still be careful. I know of someone who was informed that a particular “instructor” was qualified. Following research, the qualification was a driving licence - which is the legal requirement. We’re getting big hauliers joining in now; don’t be afraid to ask questions. Just because they are big hauliers doesn’t make them good training centres automatically.

Pete :laughing: :laughing: