Cramming for theory and hazard perception

Booked hazard perception and theory test last week for Monday and Tuesday next week. Only got the books and DVD on Thursday so I’m trying to read through both books before then. Does the hazard perception contain any lgv related questions on monday or will that just be the multiple choice test on Tuesday? Not really given myself much time here but couldn’t afford the books any earlier. Might have to cancle and re book don’t wanna mess it up. Any advice appriciated, Matt

HGV hazard perception is exactly like the car one. No questions, just click when you see the hazards. Good luck!

Also, buy the LGV theory app on your phone. I got a cancellation test so I did my revision the day before using this app alone and passed both tests the next day.

Have you checked out the FREE LGV theory test links contained within the link in my signature below :question: - especially the one with about 1000 questions