A career change?

Another hot topic we haven’t yet touched on is
‘Work/Life Balance’ that often raises a few hackles. Road transport workers often work long and unsociable hours. Hopefully you’re already aware of that. As newcomer you may find yourself starting on the less well paid, more antisocial hours, end of the spectrum. A couple of years experience, a little luck, and willingness to get past the crap, and you may do well. Work opportunity, both typeand availability depends on geography. If you’re near a container port, refinery, or whatever those will be an obvious employer. When you get out on the road talk to and listen to other drivers. Don’t believe all you hear however. Talking to others you may find out a vacancy on a good company before it’s public knowledge. On smaller companies especially a personal recommendation is worth gold. Bigger companies and smaller ones tend to have different ‘atmospheres’ or ‘work ethics’. If you really want to learn about the industry you may learn more at a smaller company- somewhere that appreciates it when you get on the forklift to get loaded yourself while the boss is on the phone. When you help restack a pallet rather than say ‘not my job’. Bigger outfits may make for an easier life, but would you learn as much there?
Some with young families fo well, but many find the hours away too much of a sacrifice. As ever we’re all individuals with different circumstances but this a common problem.
When you first get your license the main opportunities will be ftom employment agencies, again LOTS of threads on them. And lots more on agencies pushing drivers to go self employed. Albion has written very clearly on another thread why this is generally a bad idea.
Anyway, licence first and when you can drive, navigate, tip and load while dealing with unhelpful customers, reply to unnecessary phone calls politely, deal with minor breakdowns quickly and cheaply, for 60 plus hours every week, have a satisfying family life, with lots of energy and time to spare you’ll be ready to consider starting up on your own.
Good luck!