ABERDEEN Newbie Needs advice


I have not bought the hgv theory test books or dvd’s i am going asap. maybe someone here has them for sale?? ebay has the 2015 year but i thought the driver rules would be different. (passed both car and bike theories in the past)

any tips would just be welcomed.

everyone i know have been driving for 50 years so i have that to drawn from but its all the new reg and rules for new drivers they are unsure about lol

There are apps that you can get that are decent- and free. On the apple ‘App Store’ there’s an app called ‘LGV theory test and hazard perception’. From what I can remember, it was reliable and had some useful extra features such as a mock hazard perception test (touch screen video). Im unsure if the app is available for android or not.

  • It might not have everything you need but it’s a good starting point*
    Also the government website is probably the best - Willing to be corrected ? - for Drivers hours.
    Link- gov.uk/drivers-hours/overview

Hope it helps

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downloaded the app on android you have to pay do more but worth it. thanks so much