8 Wheel Tipper

I only passed at the end of February and I started on a trail with a tipper on Thursday.

I’ve been lucky enough to have a quarry 10min from home (Clee Hill) and some driver mates. One has had me double manning his truck with him to get me some experience (he’s been driving loaded and I’ve driven back). I’m doing the loaded runs for 3 days next week (Again double manned) and after I do my MQPC (formally EPIC) on Friday I hope to be running the truck a few nights a week solo running tarmac out of Wednesbury.

Lots of companies seem to run newbies out of there. MQPC will be required, I’ve got a pile of induction paperwork to do before I can drive on site and H&S is (quite rightly) VERY tight.

Good luck :slight_smile: