Am I wasting my money

I have past my theory and hazard perception test now I’ve got to do my practical but after reading a few things I feel like I mite be wasting my money because there ain’t many jobs out there for drivers let alone new drivers. I am at a point now where I am ready to do my training but thinking I mite be a wasting my money because there ain’t no jobs for newbies and i really need a job out. I really would like to do it but I am starting to think I should treat the kids with the money I’ve saved and just go back to a dead end min wage factory job if I can find one again. Can any tell me if there is jobs out for newbies

a dead end min wage factory job

that says it all i think, if you have two options like a dead end min wage factory work and driving i’d go for driving. there’s not much worse than a dead end min wage job, isn’t it?

Do a tower crane course would be my advice, my mate done his the same time I done my hgv, he is in London earning an absolute fortune, while I would be on the same money as a building site ground worker

  • qualification will be a little bit higher
  • you will always have job - stability, safety
  • you will not be afraid of your boss as you will always be able to easily tell him to F… and get another job just around corner
  • you will not sit indoors all day but be outdoors, even though just through window, but mentally better than inside factory
  • not really progression opportunities, might become Transport Planner / Manager after a while but carrier development opportunities are probably lower than even in that factory environment…
  • you will sit all day… or load heavy stuff if choosing such job over sitting job

On heavy back breaking Multi - Drop you will take home probably 500 - 700 a week, on your first “■■■■■■■ jobs that take any drivers within M25 ring
If your first jobs will go the easy way you will take home 400 - 500 a week, but might get it without diabetes, broken back and other nasty things that comes together with the first option

I have recently gone through New Driver phase - and yes numbers are realistic for new drivers straight out the school within M25 area, even have choice of multiple companies in this range, but… I would not want to do those “well paying” multi drop jobs - most of drivers don’t that’s why they pay that and that’s why they take on new drivers…

There are jobs out there just don’t be expecting to be given the best truck on the fleet doing the easist runs.

Worse case scenario. You sink your money into LGV training/tests and cant do it. LOST MONEY.

Bad case scenario. You pass your tests and have to do crap class 2 multi drop work. You are knackered every night and get spoken to like a walking turd. But you earn more than you would in a warehouse being timed on your break.

Average case scenario. You do the above mentioned stripe earning activity and maybe pass class 1 and earn a bit more for easier work.

Best case scenario. You get on curtainsider artic work for a decent company. You get paid £500+ per week for listening to the radio station of your choice, sat in an air-cushioned seat, air conditioned, and have breaks whenever you like. Now and again you have to undo one or both of your curtains and do them up again.

You pays yer money-you takes yer chance.

I am I wasting my money

I have past…


Sod learning to drive, try literacy

there are plenty of jobs out there it wont be a waste of money just make sure you do youre research and look for a good 1-1 training company and really listen to what the instructer say and tells you to do i admit it is a bit of a struggle at first but once you have held youre license 6months to a year it gets easier to find better work and if you would like to progress a bit further it is well worth doing youre artic once you have gained a bit of experience on class2 i passed my class 1 today am ive been offered a full time class 1 job tramping and i will be going to discuss the job tomorrow in more detail just dont be too picky and choosy on what work you will and wont do as to start off with you will probaly be required to do multidrop if on class2

good luck you will be suprised how quick you earn back what you invest

I couldn’t stand working in a factory or warehouse. I see it all the time on my travels, it would drive me crackers doing the same stuff every single day. At least with driving there is some degree of difference each day, plus I’m my own boss within reason. Today I only had one phone call with the office and was to tell them I was done and my ETA back to the yard.

+1 Radar.

I am I wasting my money

I have past…


Sod learning to drive, try literacy

Wow your to funny

Thanks for all the good info if I go ahead and start my training I will be doing class 1 & 2.

I am also wondering should I do manual or auto

I am also wondering should I do manual or auto

Personally, go for auto. Its easier in an auto then once you’ve passed ask a school with a manual unit if you could have a few hours in it with an instructor that way you’ve got someone with you who knows what they are doing but you don’t have the prospect of a test and exaimner watching your every move.

I did mine in a manual because back then, you had to. But to be honest, unless you’re planning on doing something a little out of the ordinary, you’ll probably never drive a manual truck ever again


I am I wasting my money

I have past…


Sod learning to drive, try literacy

Wow your to funny

I think you mean “too funny” and even though you edited the title, past still doesn’t mean passed



I am I wasting my money

I have past…


Sod learning to drive, try literacy

Wow your to funny

I think you mean “too funny” and even though you edited the title, past still doesn’t mean passed

Paul has a valid point
2 drivers turn up.
1 can write English
The other uses poor English…
Who would you take on …or is it
Won can rite inglish
Da uver cant bover.
At least try :unamused:

I’ve just finished my training and tests on Monday, can’t apply for anything yet as everyone wants to see my licence. That being said I’ve already had an interview with an agency. First day they’ve seen me, took my details, said to tell them as soon as my entitlement clears online and they’ll get me working. Even gave me 40 hours sheets then and there so it seems their planing on giving me work as soon as they can. So even if you can’t find a job instantly I’d be surprised if you couldn’t get anytjobs. There are plenty of people on here who got FT jobs from agency work as well.

Also anything has to be better than NMW in a factory. I can’t imagen you’ll ever be on that low a wage driving a truck.

Simply, I think you made the right choice mate. Plus I was told by a job advisor in the jobcentre, even if you don’t fit what their looking for apply anyway. Managers hate waisting their time recruiting, they may have more than one job going. Plus look how many class 1 and class 2 jobs are advertised. I can’t imagen there are all that many truckers out their with 6 month to 2 year experience applying for that many jobs. They have to fill the position with someone :wink:

there are plenty of jobs out there it wont be a waste of money just make sure you do youre research and look for a good 1-1 training company and really listen to what the instructer say and tells you to do i admit it is a bit of a struggle at first but once you have held youre license 6months to a year it gets easier to find better work and if you would like to progress a bit further it is well worth doing youre artic once you have gained a bit of experience on class2 i passed my class 1 today am ive been offered a full time class 1 job tramping and i will be going to discuss the job tomorrow in more detail just dont be too picky and choosy on what work you will and wont do as to start off with you will probaly be required to do multidrop if on class2

good luck you will be suprised how quick you earn back what you invest

How do you earn back what you have invested with your training, when you’re only earning circa £8 p/h? So what if you’re working 20 odd hours more a week, enabling you to take home an extra £100 more than a FLT driver in a warehouse; that isn’t clever!


I am also wondering should I do manual or auto

Personally, go for auto. Its easier in an auto then once you’ve passed ask a school with a manual unit if you could have a few hours in it with an instructor that way you’ve got someone with you who knows what they are doing but you don’t have the prospect of a test and exaimner watching your every move.

Do the manual then you wont have to turn a job down because you can only drive auto. Personally auto boxes should be banned