The more difficult and regular things for a LGV driver?

Why would you keep to the left to turn right?? Left lane for left and straight on, or otherwise instructed.

Generally, unless you’re over 16ft 6” you don’t need to worry about overhead items. Anything less has signs, but that still doesn’t stop bridge strikes.

Depends on what type of work you’re doing, as to the most common encounter. Although I suspect the general consensus for common encounter could be any of the following;

The pointy shoe wearing office inhabitants that have never driven an HGV telling you how to do the job.
The pointy shoe wearing h&s monkey, that’s never done a hard days graft in his life, and the hardest thing he has to contend with is that he needs to buy milk.
The gatehouse inhabitants that grunt shout and sweat before turning you away because you’re either early, on time or 10 seconds late.