ADR bolt-on for OD's

I do adr for the people I pull for and have done for years,I find booking the trailers in at the docks can be a pain sometimes you can easily lose 45 mins trying to get it booked in. We do get extra on the job and some weeks it can add up and over the year I am definitely better of financially by doing it. This is the thing though as I have been doing the job so long they expect you to do adr but if I was to move on to another job I would not do adr the reason being although you would be a bit better of financially the hassle factor being stopped more by vosa to check load and equipment in my eyes just not worth the little extra they pay.Of course if a job came along that payed a lot better for doing haz loads then my mind would change but on dock work I do not think it’s hardly worth doing

As with any job, depends on what the customer is paying. We run out of Immingham a lot on DFDS ro-ro and have to be at port 6 hours before sailing, but that is factored into the price.