DCPC Concerns


… as most companies tend to charge the courses to the drivers.

Sorry mate, but your thinking is somewhat flawed at this point…

DCPC has been a driver’s responsibility from day #1. (Sept 2009)

I share the same view as your other comments, but in all fairness, there are a lot of companies who organise, book AND pay for their drivers to attend DCPC.

IMHO, those drivers can count themselves as fortunate.

Two weeks ago I paid for 8 drivers to do 28 hours of DCPC - full disclosure they also got ADR1-9 (excl. 7). Because I have a preference on my trainer, (the lads say that he makes the course interesting) , I put him up in a hotel for a week, booked the room for the course and paid the drivers to attend. I also sent one of my Manchester lads down to do the course whilst we had the room space and paid for his hotel. All in with room, hotels x 2, training and pay to the drivers the total bill exceeded £9000.00. :cry:

So yes if your boss pays for your courses, count it as a real plus point.