Bank loan to start operating on my own

It’s probably been asked before but does anybody know if it’s ok to apply for a business bank loan to front up the costs needed to become an owner driver? Use it for the O license, insurance first bit of truck rental, fuel, £8000 left in account to begin etc etc?

Of course it’s OK, you can apply for finance for anything. If you are asking are you likely to get it, the answer would depend on how much security you can provide to the lender, what your expected figures are. For someone to dole out 30k, they are going to want to be pretty sure they are going to get it back + interest.

You may want to have a think about why so many people are out there looking to be an OD and why there is such a failure rate. And why so many companies are happy to outsource their responsibilites - clue, it’s cheaper for them.

Getting a business going, which is where I think you are wanting to go, is even harder than operating as an OD. You need to get your own customers, it all ends up being very chicken and egg.

I as much answered this question on your other post on this subject…and once again I remind you what you need first are CUSTOMERS and regular WORK…or how are you going to start paying back any monies that you borrow

he could always go on with maritime as a dedicated subby.apparantly you only need to do 1 box a day and they pay extremely well…their subbies are making fortunes i believe. :unamused:

You could borrow similar type of money and become an aircraft pilot

save up your shillings and go for it

save up your shillings and go for it

your so cruel and heartless… :slight_smile: