Late payment fees

Own Account Driver:
You’ve left, and put their nose out of joint- whether deliberately or not - on the way out. Ergo you’re dead to them. I’m sure they’ll cough up eventually but will be a bit of a fight. Not much you can do, it’s business. The time and energy spent chasing buttons in interest would be better spent sourcing more lucrative new work.

Sound advice.

And I would 'phone them up daily for payment, speak to someone. Emails and voice mails will be ignored. If you have nothing in your terms of business about payments periods, AND a signed agreement with your customer, then you are wasting your time. For what a solicitor or debt recovery company would charge you forget that avenue. Sorry to be brutal but put it down to experience. If you try and build a business subbing for another haulier you will discover that they hold all the aces, it’s their rules.