International cpc vs dcpc

Can any one answer this?
I have my international cpc diploma in road haulage transport management but i cannot drive a truck as I never completed my dcpc, why doesn’t my cpc allow me to drive or count towards dcpc? Consider this, i spent at the time close to £3000, two weeks instruction including intense home study then took two exams one hard the other almost impossible pass to gain my qualification yet does not allow me to drive a truck and does not count towards dcpc.
To gain a dcpc is 35 hrs of class room discussion over 5 years with no exams at cost of less than £300 and if you have a flt or loader ticket it will reduce the 35 hrs required.

Why is this? The TC is unable to understand the question let alone the answer.

I found myself in precisely the same position unfortunately.

Spoke to this person, that person, etc., to see if there was a way around it, got nowhere.

I’ve been on nights as a Ltd. company for nearly 20 years to make things even worse, so I obviously couldn’t come off shift in the morning, go on DCPC course, then go back on to my night shift. So I eventually and reluctantly realised I had no option but to take the time off, i.e. no earnings that week, and pay for the DCPC too. To say I was annoyed didn’t even cover it.

However, the one upside is that I can stand in front of any TM and know that I am at least, and probably more qualified than they are whenever the odd minor dispute does arise. As previous posters have pointed out most only have office knowledge and their backside has never bothered a truck seat at any time.

I now make sure I do one DCPC day a year, so 21 hours already done towards the next one.