ERF 'European' (1975)


■■■■■■■ NTC 290 + Fuller 13 speed optional for NGC.
■■■■■■■ NTC 290E + Fuller 13 speed optional for 40 C2TR (B- series).

Can we clarify the difference between NTC 290 v 290 E and the type of 13 speed fuller in that ?.IE in usually accepted terminology E denotes big cam ■■■■■■■ ?.Which would match my memory of the big cam being introduced and available.As opposed to the usually accepted reports of that having taken place considerably later ?.

In which case sadly big cam 290 or even better 300 + with 13 speed RTO ( would have ) been the definitive NGC if only ERF had chosen to stay with it and not put all their eggs in the B series basket.Not to mention small cam NTA and 13 speed RTO before that. :frowning:

This is covered earlier in this thread, I think. Firstly, at least two NGCs were fitted with big-cam 290s, one of which belonged to ■■■■■■■ itself on an N-plate. It would appear they were trialling it for future use. Secondly, the Euro-spec B-series (NL in particular) had big-cam 290s from the start along with Fuller RTO9513 boxes. The B-series in the 1980 Euro Test had an NTE 350 with a Fuller RT12513. If you look on the LHD ERF B-series thread there’s abundant info on this.