Davies Int. Southampton. With photos (Part 1)

Hi Buzzer nice picture of the little [zb]erkers reminds me when we used to go round and collect them to take them to market, no ash plant sticks aloud, flat board .
we were given numbers from a sheet, FROM THE F.MC. to set the numbers required on the wooden handled machine type thing tattooed ,it was a tattoo on the pigs shoulders you only got one chance, it was ,a cog wheel device ,with sharp points you turned the numbers around to what ever was on the paper, you never did the same one twice because they would squeal like zb , after the slap on their shoulders just like the DANISH BACON TATTO ON THE RINE ….,ZB ME WE WERE ONLY DRIVERS.

if anyone ever give them a little clout across their backs to help them along up the ramp with a ash plane once they were done and hanging chilling the bruises would come out on their rine and there would be hell to play , when I think back all our now -days super truckers ought to have had to about a year on a cattle truck. just to blend them in. also all the[ zb ]uckers who want to stay in the EU.just like your photo they have all got their noises in the trough, like when GREECE,SPAIN,PORTUGAL, BEFORE ALL THE EX COOMIE BLOCK. they used to zb you about at the customs the cheeky [zb ers] they were, esp GREECE.I had got more tarmac on my shoes than they had on their roads. tks Buzzer.I KNOW YOU DO NOT ASK FOR RANTS BUT IT IS GOOD TO SOMETIMES and as I look every day on your site, ive give up with the referendum mob LOST CAUSE.LOL.DBP