Davies Int. Southampton. With photos (Part 1)


It is hard to believe this was about 35 years ago when we pulled SCAC trailers out of Pompy for RH&D, good old days when the carpark in the docks was still only gravel. This F88 I bought from Ken Chant when he invested in a new Foden, was immaculate and had a zibarted cab so no rust at all and was driven by Dave Morgan AKA “The Fireman” as he could shift in a truck and I vowed if I ever got involved in truck racing he would be the pilot, Buzzer.

Thats proper nice !!! :smiley: definately the best colour scheme !

Going back a while Buzzer, we were talking about hay bales on your Ford D series.As i remember i
think you said you used to stack 10 high ? due to the small wheels was a bit dodgy from memory. Well
this fella seems fearless not sure how many high but looks well top heavy !!!


Probably camel feed. I saw them like that in Sudan, but not as high as that one! Robert