Historical Photo's

I believe there is a privacy law in France which prohibits the unauthorised filming (or photographing) of people in the street, don’t know if that would be extended to vehicles though especially on private property. Difficult one, if you get prior permission do people start acting for the camera?
On the subject of screwing artics round in restricted spaces (without lifting or steering axles) my concern at my last own account employer was not for the tyres but the danger from flying wheel nut/studs. As usual thay took no notice despite taking safety to ridiculous lengths (once banning washing down for over a month after a driver broke his ankle slipping on soap suds!) and refused to let me operate a one way system round the factory because it would allow nasty lorries to drive past the offices!
Must admit to a certain quiet satisfaction when the tail end of a trailer on opposite swing shifted a (fortunately empty) demount body off its pads :smiling_imp: .