'Atki' off center steering wheel

A query came up at work today about an off center steering wheel on a particular vehicle, I said the only off center steerring wheel I ever came across was on a ‘Atki’, any one know the reason for the off center steering wheel or was it because 'Atkis could not line the seat up with the wheel.

i would only guess that it was the way the cab swept round taskman, they were all out of line thats for sure. we know theres somebody thatll know on here tho! :wink:

i would only guess that it was the way the cab swept round taskman, they were all out of line thats for sure. we know theres somebody thatll know on here tho! :wink:

Well, if it’s any consolation, the Triumph Herald family has the same offset to the left with the steering wheel and the pedals are offset to the right. If it’s any consolation, at least Triumph managed to offset all the pedals to the right! :laughing:

The Volkswagen Beetle also had an offset steering wheel.

Come to think about it, my old (1995) Cavalier had an offset wheel as well…

Everything was out of line on the inside of the first of the Paccar Fodens, dash, wheel and pedals. Mind you, put a bit too much power on in a tight corner with an S106 and a wet road and out of line took a whole new meaning.

I had an F7 which had 2 offset wheels - the rear nearside duals on the unit to be precise :cry: :unamused: .

One entered the builders yard on the roundabout I was on at the time, the other made a much bolder bid for freedom. I had to trek 200 yards and into someone’s front garden to retrieve it. :open_mouth:

Salut, David.

An F12 I was riding in was once overtaken in the Kingsway Tunnel by a wheel off it’s tag axle…

Climbing (loaded) out of the tunnel on the Liverpool side when I noticed through the offside mirror an object bouncing alongside the unit. As we slowed, it came bobbling alongside, across the front of the wagon and came to rest against the crash barrier.

Not funny with a load of traffic behind you.

Just a few days before my incident, my mate in a similar vehicle lost the same 2 wheels at 60mph on the motorway. They ended up within a few yards of each other half a mile away on the centre reservation. He brought the vehicle to a halt without further problem on the hard shoulder. The coppers had to block off the fast lane later to allow retrieval of the absconders.

Neither of us were prosecuted or even warned. Wheel nuts were correctly tight but all the studs had sheared.

Sorry, a bit off thread - no pun intended :blush:

Salut, David.

Talking of wheels coming adrift what about the Turntable/Fifthwheel, the last brand new Seddon/Atki I had and I lose that term loosely including the name Atki along side Seddon which had one of the first 200 Gardners fitted. The fifth wheel did have a problem with sprung steel being used in the fabrication consequently the retaining nuts kept on coming loose,