PIE 1978

I’ve just remembered another incident, I had been week ended at the Czech/West German border and at 10 o’clock on Sunday evening I was waved through into WG on my way home. A couple of hours later I was making my merry way along the autobahn when I became aware of some idiot behind me with his main beam headlights on, I checked my mirrors but there was no one there. Then I started to smell burning and realized it was me with my main beam on, and I hadn’t touched the lever■■? Just then oops, flames started to lick up through the left hand corner of the dashboard and onto the windscreen. Luckily we carried fire extinguishers and I soon had the fire out but I no longer had any lights. I crawled along the hard shoulder up to the first lay-by and attempted to get some sleep and leave at first light and get to Ostende before dark. Have you ever tried to sleep in a cab that smells of burning? Not only that but I had been asleep all day ready for the overnight journey home and, although they were empty, I was loaded with cylinders which had been filled with Ethyl Oxide, which is pretty explosive stuff. The reason I mention all this (long winded I know) is that I took a picture of the DAF in the lay-by before I left.

And here it is, along with another one I took after a tow in to the garage on another occasion!