"Heavy Haulage through the years"



What in all that’s holy is this [zb] [zb]?! Care to explain yourselves Johnny and Pete, honestly, I leave you two alone for just a second and what…? You just felt the need to post some [zb] fridges? On the [zb] HEAVY HAULAGE THREAD!!!

That’s it Johnny, I’m giving Mrs S a ring, see can sort you out mate… and as for Pete… buy me a couple of brews and all is sorted mate…

Keep your hair on young fella, well in a manner of speaking since you haven’t got much, actually none. [emoji16]

Please don’t phone, or I’ll be on bread and water for a week.

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Would three hooked up constitute HH and square things up a bit Johnny
I have me coat on. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


You are a true friend DIG. You have saved the day.

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