M.J.Pope Transport Bedford.


Carnation GUY


BOC Seddon Atkinson.


Anyone recognise the Transcontinental ■■? Is that Ford’s factory colours ■■ Could be a demonstrator ■■


Tideswell’s ERF,nice colour scheme.


The shot of the Carnation Big J was a Caledonian contract motor and it looks to be loaded with tinplate from S. Wales. There was four main contractors who ran out of Dumfries and each had a few motors in Carnation livery. The contractors were, Caledonian, T C Brown, Inter City and Robsons. I became a good friend of the Carnation Distribution Manager, the late Len Pavey at the time Nestles bought Carnation Foods worldwide over £3 Billion in late 84. Their UK head office was in Marlow where they employed 300 people. Nestles closed this office and IIRC only 30 Carnation staff were transferred to the Nestle HO at St. Georges House Croydon where I met Len in early '85. I had never reckoned much to the Nestle Distribution management but once Len Pavey got involved matters soon improved and eventually we ended up with 75% of the out going traffic from the Libby factory in Milnthorpe. I know Len is no longer with us but I recall him telling me if we had got to know one another during his Carnation days he would have had Bewick motors into Carnation at Dumfries. :smiley: :wink: Cheers Dennis.