cola cowboys on ebay

It is indeed the same book David.

I suppose it’s like anything else though, things only sell for what people are prepared to pay for them.

To be honest, the first book on the list I posted (A Road Transport Heritage) was one I’d been after for eight years before I managed to locate it at a price I was prepared to pay.

Once the specialists know a book is in demand, the prices go sky-rocketing. One such seller had two copies and offered me one of them for £50 without even having received it. I know he only paid a little over twice that amount for the collection that included it, but he knew I was after the book. I bided my time and got it elsewhere a couple of years later.

The BRS book is another good example - it is a nice book, but only has a little over 100 pages and is mostly pictures. Again, it’s rarity has meant that people are prepared to bid (what seem to me) crazy money for it.

I’ll get off my soap-box now.