Eu referendum whats your vote

Just a little reminder of what the initial vote on Brexit was for those who cannot quite remember only two choices, either that or they never bothered to vote in the first place so would have not seen the voting slip below. No mention of a DEAL and certainly no mention of lets have a second go at a referendum.
TM has failed miserably losing by 230 votes a landmark in British government so we do NOT need an extension to article 50 either, MP’s on all sides have spoken and the result is pretty spectacular to say the least so lets just get on with the business of leaving the EU on March the 29th and be done with it.
No one wants a general election at the moment as this wont help anything so I think JC has shot himself in the foot there, I do believe TM will win a vote of no confidence tonight as the majority do not want a Labour government in control, there party is in as much disarray as the Conservatives and JC aint got a clue.
No word from Brussel’s as of yet which I think may come a bit later when tonight’s vote is done, on another note Germany is going into recession right now and several other member states are on the verge of being bankrupt even though some wont admit to that, they just lie about there true financial position but all will come out in the wash when the whole union goes ■■■■ up as I think it will within four years if not a lot sooner, just my take on things as they stand and as I voted OUT back in 2016 I have waited long enough but it just seems to go on and on and on like a tramps overcoat, lets hope for a no deal and out in March, Buzzer.