Eu referendum whats your vote

Gazzer political personal in all party’s are in it for there own gain and they all lie sometimes for financial gain and I do suspect the conservatives are frightened of a general election and to what the result would be, now Mrs May has tried hard to broker a deal and there are some good points in her proposed terms at present but it is not the Brexit that was voted for and we will still be tied to the EU if this goes ahead. This would be a blatant act of treachery to the ones in this country who voted to leave with no strings attached, its obvious to me that Barnier and his cohorts want us to stay and that is why they are so belligerent in there approach towards us, if this deal as it stands goes ahead they will still be making our laws and regulating us with no recourse by any UK government who ever is in power.
At the end of the day most people in this land of there’s, I say that because ( as it stands we are not ruling these shores or our destiny ) have had enough and just want it sorted, Instead we are just floundering one day to the next not really knowing WTF will happen next, there is uncertainty within the business world here and that is not good for our economy and this needs sorting PDQ so they all know where they are going and can progress, the longer this is drawn out the more harm it will do.
When we know if enough letters have been sent calling for Mrs Mays resignation, ( you cant be sure of that as the count may be rigged ) who will take over as i dont think anyone would like to step into No10 just now, maybee Gove just hung on in there so as not to lose his claim for the top job and as in football if you play for England you want to be captain.
Summing up i am dissolutioned about the whole process and it is getting boring now, we need to make our minds up what to do and get on with it touts sweet, Buzzer.