Eu referendum whats your vote


All joking aside - I think that if I lived in Northern Ireland, I’d be pretty miffed at the thought of a ‘hard’ border being installed - after years of the ‘troubles’, I would be relishing the peace & new found freedom.
I certainly don’t know what the answer is - presumably those of you who voted ‘out’ would have considered issues like this - and would have an answer to the problem?
Just wondering. …

The border, Known locally as Warren point was not a cliff edge before the troubles, just like any customs, you may or may not get checked.
To day all customs can ( if the will is there ) be cleared by computor clicks from sender to recipient for customs clearance, Northan Ireland is just another attempt to stop Brexit.
Remoaners on here who know everything about everything, even who will be able to marry who, will of course find fault with this, even though they hav’nt a bl***y clue.
Hard hat on and into my Anderson shelter. Harvey

It certainly wasnt on a cliff edge BEFORE the troubles Harvey. But during the troubles,trust me it was.While admittedly it was years after the event,an Irish customs officer showed me the exact spot at "the point" where 18 British soldiers were killed,in 2 bombings.The border wasnt just at Warrenpoint,with many many hundreds of crossings to and fro, through Ireland/UK and vv. They were always a place of heightened tensions in my opinion.
(Just on a sidenote,did youknow that the UK foreign lorry tax is not in place on certain roads in NI,because of constant changing between territories?ie Irl/UK/Irl/UK?)It goes to show how terribly complicated the whole issue is.
With regard to Kmills question of whether leave voters,considered issues like this,I doubt it,because in fairness to ALL voters,in or out,it wan`t raised as an issue.(Possibly because remainers thought that the result would be a foregone conclusion).
When the likes of the buffoon Johnson,compares it to crossing from one London borough to another,or the Leicestershire mp who reckons that a British citizen can simply apply for an Irish passport (or vv),or buffoon senior Johnson stating that sterling is accepted everywhere in the south(or euros in the north),I think it does show the level of ignorance surrounding the border issue,certainly within the political circles.